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Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Keep heading south till you find warm weather.

This is our continuing mission and it has led us to Tucson. Highs in the lower 20s means it is finally tee-shirt time.

We have taken the opportunity to visit one of the gems of the area - the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. This is one of the few places that actually seems to be worth the admission fee. A very interesting display of local flora and fauna in a winding walk through the desert, with very natural habitats for wildlife from snakes and prairie dogs to bears and mountain sheep. And who would have guessed there were that many types of cactus.

Unfortunately I seem to have come down with some odd side-effects from the H1N1 shot -never trust what the government tells you! The good news is that my hearing seems to be much better now.

As for our plans, we had toyed with the idea of heading east towards Florida, but the general cold snap in the entire eastern US has us taking it very slow. Tomorrow we may make it as far as Benson, a town about 40 miles southeast of Tucson. But you never know - stay tuned to this channel for further updates.

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