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Monday, January 4, 2010

The Big Ditch

Find a natural wonder, put a fence around it and charge people to see it. This is the basic principle behind any US national park. So I guess it should not come as any surprise that it costs $25 dollars to just get close to the Grand Canyon.

To be fair, this is the same system used by the rest of the civilized world, including Canada.

Lovely drive to to the canyon. Straight road, high speed limit, no traffic - just my kind of driving.

Once there, we enjoyed the bright sunlight and warm temperatures. As you can see from these scenes, it was a balmy plus 5C, with a small wind-chill. Still a pretty impressive piece of real estate though.

After leaving the canyon, we made a bee-line south to find some warmer weather. We got as far as Prescott, a pretty cool old mining town, where they have a sort of resort-like atmosphere with lots of pubs and such. Not a bad place to spend the night, and a daytime temp of around 15C.

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