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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Quick tour of Uruguay

Montevideo, Uruguay

Uruguay is not a very large country. In spite of that, we saw very little of it. Such is the downside of travel on a cruise ship.

Our first stop was in Punta del Este, the location of my last post on this blog. When we left the boat, a 25-minute tender ride to the dock, the day looked very promising. The sun came out and we managed to walk a bit of this seaside resort town before the rains came with a vengeance. After huddling in a restaurant, drinking incredibly overpriced cappuccinos, we made a mad dash back to the docks and returned to the ship. As soon as we were back on board, the sun came out and it looked gorgeous, but there was not enough time left for us to make another attempt at seeing the town. Punta del Este was a bit of a bust.


Punta del Este is home to quite a large marina, with lots of pleasure boats, something we have not seen for a while. If the prices for everything else is any indication, it is probably a very expensive place to keep a boat.

Next stop was in the city of Montevideo, where the majority of the people in this country live. Here we were able to spend a very pleasant day, taking a self-guided walking tour. The historic district, right around the harbour, is quite picturesque, but the rest of the city just looks like any other city to us. Much less expensive than Punta del Este but still not cheap.
Our Zandaam home
One odd sight, as the ship was leaving the port, was a collection of old rusting hulks of ships that apparently came here to die. Kind of a sad sight.

{GMST}34|53.5|S|56|11.25|W|Montevideo, Uruguay|Montevideo, Uruguay{GEND}

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