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Saturday, March 24, 2012


San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico

The day was perfect for launching a boat - light winds and a noon high tide.  Of course, there was a weird fog rolling in - nothing to worry about though; I don't need much visibility to move from one dock to another.  With that in mind, I hiked down to Marina Seca to apply some pressure to the workers who were supposed to have the hull nicely cleaned and polished by 11:00 AM.

When I got to the boat in the workyard, they told me they would have it finished by 1 PM and I would have to wait until Monday afternoon to put it in the water.  "Not satisfactory" I said - "What alternatives can you suggest?"  They said they could put it in as-is and finish the job tomorrow while the boat is in the water.  Sounded good to me and thus all of the stars in the heavens aligned and the boat showed up at the San Carlos Marina boat launch at about 11:45 AM, right on time.  And the fog had completely disappeared as well.  Good omen.


A short motor over to our new home, only slightly embarrassing myself as I cleverly turned the boat around in it's own length (I was actually trying to back up in a straight line but you have to go with the hand you are dealt).   And just like that we are boaters again.

I spent the rest of the day trying to piece our dinghy back together.  I had dismantled it in an attempt to patch the leaky floor just before we left.  The assembly went pretty well except that my trusty hand pump broke before I got everything re-inflated.  It doesn't look repairable to me so I guess we will now be on the lookout for a new pump.  I am just happy it happened now, not last summer when I was having to pump up the floor every other day while we were in the northern Sea of Cortez.  Timing is everything.

{GMST}27|56.8825|N|111|03.3573|W|San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico|San Carlos,Sonora, Mexico{GEND}

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